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10 Reading Enrichment Activities You Can Easily Add To Your Classroom

Do you have fast finishers who LOVE to read? Or, do you have identified GATE kiddos who have reading goals?

Then let’s chat about reading enrichment activities! These fun activities are perfect for challenging your kiddos who excel at reading… but it’s not just about them reading more books (although that is fantastic!)

To truly enrich language arts, we want to find ways to help them explore language, engage with unique word choices, and think more critically about what they have read.

This doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. In fact, many of the best reading enrichment options are self-led by the student!

enrichment activities for 1st graders

Today, I’m going to show you 10 ways to easily add reading enrichment activities to your classroom!

Use the table of contents below to jump to the activity that stands out to you the most!

What Are Reading Enrichment Activities?

Reading enrichment activities are meant to help students go DEEPER in the text and engage in abstract thought, problem-solving, and divergent thinking.

Unlike traditional reading, where we focus on decoding + comprehension, enrichment activities encourage readers to interact with the material on a deeper level.

The goal is for students to think more deeply, not just read “more of the same” books.

The Beauty of Open-Ended Enrichment Activities

Open-ended enrichment activities are especially great because there is no one right answer! Students get to engage with the text in their own way and in a manner that helps them really deepen their thinking skills.

Enrichment activities should nurture creativity and independent thought, making the reading experience more personal and engaging.

10 Examples of Open-Ended Reading Enrichment Activities

Character Dossiers

Students can create detailed and imaginative dossiers for any character in a book.

They can go well beyond the text to Include the character’s likes, dislikes, personal histories, and motivations.

This is a really fun activity for students to work on over time, particularly if you are reading a book series!

Alternate Story Versions

Let students imagine and write alternative beginnings, middles, or ends to a story.

How would changing a pivotal moment impact the overall narrative? This activity prompts readers to consider the consequences of different choices.

I love using these activities inside my reading enrichment activities packs!

Philosophical Discussions

Bring out the mini Socrates in your students! Put them in small groups and either give them a list of open-ended questions or provide them with questions to spark discussion.

Ask questions such as….

  • “How could the story be better?”
  • “What did you find most interesting and why?”
  • “Do you think the author intended for us to see XYZ in the story?”

Time Traveler’s Journey

What if the book’s setting took place in a different time? How would the story change? What might stay the same?

This is a great activity for students to draw or creatively express what they imagine might be different!

You could also ask students to write journal entries from the perspective of one of the characters as they travel through the book.

Artistic Representations

Give your students lists of words and ask them to draw what they think that word could look like! Or, have them draw a word and then their friends need to guess what word it is that they drew!

Be An Author

Have students draft a spin-off story of their favorite books. What would they change?

This is a great project for them to work on over time or throughout the course of the school year!

Language Manipulation

Games such as Scrabble, Boggle, Wordle, and other word-based games are a FANTASTIC reading enrichment activity!

You can prep a small game corner where students can have a station set up for word games.

Literary Cross-Connections

Have students choose 2 books and then make cross-connections between them.

What themes, character archetypes, settings, or language are similar? What connections can they make to other books as they develop their cross-connections?

Found Poetry

Found poetry is SUCH a fun activity! Students select words from the text and create a poem with them.

This could be random, or you could give them instructions such as “every 3rd word on each page.” See what they come up with!

But, again, the more open-ended the better. So, maybe let them make the rules! 🙂


This is a fun activity where students create music or other representation of a book.

The idea is they use the general theme, tone, and feel of the book to create music that matches this.

This is a GREAT idea for students who don’t enjoy traditional forms of learning, and instead prefer to be hands-on.

Other Reading Enrichment Activities

Sometimes the idea of using enrichment activities for reading can feel really daunting! But, I hope these examples have shown that it can be simple and yet still effective!

If you want even more help with this, I have complete packs of year-long reading enrichment activities for K-2nd and 3rd-5th grade!

Here are some examples from my K-2nd reading enrichment activities pack!

reading enrichment activities for kindergarten first grade second grade

And, here are the activities from the 3rd-5th grade pack! These are the same, but with a higher difficulty level.

reading enrichment activities for third fourth and fifth grade

These activities are some of my best-sellers for nearly a DECADE on Teachers Pay Teachers!

Teachers LOVE these because they’re so easy to use (literally just print and go!), but they actually get kids thinking instead of just busy work.

I’m a firm believer in using open-ended activities to enhance enrichment. Open-ended activities, in particular, invite readers to explore their creativity, question assumptions, and uncover unique interpretations.

By integrating these activities into our reading routines, we enrich our connection with literature and open doors to endless possibilities of understanding.

So, if you want to add reading enrichment activities to your classroom, but don’t know where to start, head here and see if these would work for you in your classroom!

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